City Project - 2019/ 20 (Work in progress)_National Gallery

Work in progress

Activity 1: we explored the concept of Growth as ‘change’, creating a simple drawn animation. We focused on the idea of constant transformation, using the hidden portrait in this painting as inspiration.

Painting: Doña Isabel de Porcel, Francisco de Goya

The hidden portrait
When an X-ray image was made of the 'Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel' during conservation treatment in 1980, another portrait was unexpectedly found underneath.

Activity 2: We played a word game and made a sentence grow. Exploring the idea of the ‘scroll’ (Over her arm is a scroll bearing an ancient definition of grammar in Latin: "A literate tongue, spoken in the required manner." ) we collaboratively created new scrolls and re-enacted her pose.

Painting:  Allegory of Grammar, Laurent de La Hyre

We looked at the artwork and recorded a list of random words associated with this painting. We then arranged and conected them to create a long sentence and new associations.