‘Can you repeat that?’ - Installation view - 25m long sentence cut from paper
In this series of work I have explored miscommunication and the feeling of uncertainty between languages – the Incompatibility of linguistic and cultural codes and the phenomenon of misunderstanding. This work has developed around my own personal experience, my experience of living aboard and of being a foreigner: Especially the peculiarities of speaking a different language.
I referred to the relationship between identity and language. Language forms the structure within which we live and to some extent governs how we form our identities. In learning a new language we fight to accommodate the two structures while retaining our sense of self.
'On the whereabouts of certain words’ - video - Still from a slide-show video-loop. One of 6 photographs spelling the phrase “where do mispronunced words end ap?
‘English language tablets’ - Installation view (tablets, glass jar, blister packs, labels with instruction of use, shelves. Approx. 130 x 11 x 5cm)
© Lorena Carbajal 2003-2023