'in a room somewhere’ - 3rd slide from Sequence A
In a Room Somewhere
In a room somewhere is a slide project that has been created in different spaces and times, with the collaboration of various participants around the globe. The idea was to create scenes or fictional meetings where we gather to have tea in a room somewhere (nowhere) The project was completed by being sent to the next person who attached her/his image or an object to the scene. The first slide was sent to a different place where it was projected and more objects incorporated to the image and re-photographed again. This image/slide was later posted to the next person who did the same and so on and so forth. There were 3 different initial slides; all of them took diverse journeys...
'in a room somewhere’ - 5th slide from Sequence A
'in a room somewhere’ - 4th slide from Sequence C
© Lorena Carbajal 2005-2023